
Widenbar and Associates

GeoAccess 2021

GeoAccess 2021 software is designed to simplify the task of statistical and variogram analysis. It has the following functionality:

  • Simple statistical analysis – mean, median standard deviation etc.
  • Probability Plots
  • Histograms
  • Correlation Analysis and Matrix
  • Variogram Calculation and Modelling
  • QAQC Plots


We are a West Australian based consulting company, specialising in Geological Modelling and Mineral Resource Estimation.

We use the latest Mining Software Packages (including Micromine and GeoAccess) to generate complex three-dimensional models of mineral deposits.


Lynn Widenbar (BSc (Hons). MSc, DIC, MAusIMM, MAIG) is the Principal of Widenbar and Associates, and is a consultant resource geologist with over 50 years experience in the exploration, evaluation and mining of mineral resources in Australia, Asia, Africa, North, Central and South America and Europe. He has experience in the evaluation and exploitation of iron ore, gold, platinum, copper, lead-zinc, nickel, cobalt, uranium, lithium, rare earths, tin, vanadium, diamonds, coal, mineral sands and industrial minerals.

​Between 1969 and 1983, Lynn worked for several companies with world-wide operations, including De Beers, RTZ and CRA. Since 1983, he was increasingly involved in the application of technical computing in the exploration and mining industries, including minicomputers, PC’s and workstations. Whilst a director of Micromine Pty Ltd he developed the Micromine mining software, and has since developed a variety of geostatistical software packages marketed by Widenbar & Associates.

​Widenbar and Associates has been operating as an independent consulting company since 1990, and has carried out consulting work on several hundred resource projects for over 100 companies in the last 31 years. The main focus has been on geological modelling and mineral resource evaluation, and includes compilation of JORC 2012 and NI 43-101 compliant resource reports.


  • lynn@widenbar.com.au
  • 0418 920 237